Course description

Our class will cover the following topics:

·            Strengthening your Hara connection

·            Meditation & techniques for furthering your practice

·            Sacred Reiki Symbols & Mantras and how to incorporate them

·            How to perform a complete Reiki session on others 

·            Explore methods for performing Reiki from a distance 

·            How to give Reiki to animals, plants, and food

·            Learn how to address and balance chakras & clear auric fields

·            How to cut energetic cord connections to ourselves & others

·          ( For those receiving attunement with this course)  Reiju & attunement- Reiki Degree 2 attunement is a subtle yet higher vibration then Reiki Degree 1, as it further opens the chakras and increases the energy flow through the body. It continues clearing the energetic body so that you can progress & move on in life. It can also facilitate the acceleration of your spiritual journey. 

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